New at Shoes Simply Shoes are these comfy casual wedgies. They come in a large variety of colors including fake fur.
Please note that no virtual animals were harmed to make these shoes (wink).
They have black fuzzy insoles and can be used as slippers. Still with the silver and onyx details they could easily pass for dressier shoes. The choice is yours of course.
Virtual or real? Who is to say where one begins and one ends. Spotlight isn't my thing these days. If my thoughts and musings enhance your life, that's good enough for me. **********
In September 2006 I joined Second Life(R) as Samara where I learned to create with prims and textures. There I owned and managed Samara Studios until late December 2008. Since then I have explored many worlds. Sometimes I drop by into Second Life where I visit friends. Sometimes I stick around awhile and continue to do my part in helping the world become what it can be.