Mark your calendar for December 15th when there will be an abundance of Good Free Stuff for the taking -- or finding as the case may be. ALL ITEMS ARE FROM THE FLOOR of Samara Studios general merchandise. No BIAB; No public domain; No "seconds".
Here's how it works:
- In the home, garden and stained glass areas there will be numerous (5 - 10 each event hour) items right in their same spots where you can buy them for 0 Lindens. The items will change between -- and sometimes DURING -- event hours! Some items will be free all day, some for half an hour etc. All items will be No Transfer.
- In the Fashion area, there will be a NEW outfit given away. Each piece will be available ONLY during the particular event time. If you come to all four events sessions you will have a first quality Samara Studios ensemble that goes on the wall for sale the next day.
- In shoes there will be a pair to go with the outfit of course! Look for them on the wall and buy for 0. If you know the shoe store well (and some of your REALLY do) you will find it quickly.
Event hours run from 9-12, 12-3, 3-6 and 6-9 SL times.
Don't miss out on this event!