In thanks to all the people who have embraced my Classic Casual fashions I will be continuing with CLOTHES. This blog will showcase fashion news only (it was almost there anyway - LOL).
Along with the designing comes a need for SPACE. I am a true believer in BIG vendor pictures. How can anyone be expected to buy from the tiny and blurry photos after all. So-------- the Home store will be moving across the plaza by stained glass. What was the home store will become an extended area for fashions making the whole East side of Samara Studios a dedicated place of BEAUTY!!!! Yeah!
For those of you who mostly shop for home and garden items, rest assured they will continue to be added to and changed as always. I love to build in world and won't be abandoning that any times soon.
The fashions in the new store will be a step away from Casual Classics. Don't worry, the basics will be continue to be added to also. We ALL need "Everyday clothes at Everyday prices". I understand the need to feel at ease in SL outfits that mirror our RL wardrobes. It is a comfort zone many of us embrace. At the same time -- we have the ability in SL to step out of our boxes just a bit and that is what this next store is dedicated to.
The first collection is called Velossity (and yes, I DO know that isn't how Webster spells it)! I started working on this for a RL and SL friend who races and wanted some racing leathers that looked more like RL ones. Along they way I discovered that I, Samara, was having a GREAT time trying on these outfits (/me smiles broadly). And isn't SL supposed to be fun?
So come embrace your slightly more adventurous side in 2008. It's a new year and if we only live once -- let's make the most of it.
Look for changes to begin after Christmas!