I am looking for fun, romantic, beautiful, dangerous -- you name it -- shots of people in my outfits. Primarily these would be the multi-pieced collections as I will be moving all the collections to that area (Gembong West 224/70/28) in the future. So if you are one of the multitude with the "flirty lace top", I hope you love it-- but I don't need a picture of it - LOL.
I know there is a lot of work involved so I want to make this worth your while. Presumably you love taking photos anyway ( I definitely do) so this should be FUN and not a JOB!
Prizes for any of the pictures chosen (I need a few so this isn't a one only thing) are:
- Your choice of any of the collections (value up to $595)
- 1000 Linden gift voucher (transferable) that can be used in for ANY Samara Studios goods (shoes, sailboat, home, garden etc. -- this does NOT include the vendor shops on the far side of my complex - sorry).
- 500 Lindens in cash.
- Your photo on the blog (ah the fame).
Hints: If your photo has another person in it (this is fine), YOU should be the center of attention. So your boyfriend for example should be holding you from the back or whatever).
NO nudity (we are showing off clothes after all).
NO overt violence.
Send uploaded photos IN A NOTECARD (Photoshop type enhancements are fine - at least 512 in one dimension) to Samara Kasshiki. They need to be full perm of course. Include your avatar name, photographer if it is not you, location if appropriate. Be sure you have permission for anyone ELSE in the photo.
Note: I will ONLY be using these in my store and on the blog. If you do NOT want to be on the blog just let me know and I will not post :) By sending in your photos to me, you understand that I "may" crop them or further change them before they show up in the store.
There really is no deadline per se as I would like to make this an ongoing event, but I would also like to make some additions to the store soon, so I will make my FIRST decisions on February 25. So send in some great pictures.
Thanks so much!