Two years or so ago I moved Samara Studios to Gembong. Now I'm closing. I am not going to site "real life" as that has no influence at all (smile). I am simply no longer having fun. Money is good, fun is better. 1,800 missing STORE items from my inventory that will never return helped make my decision and so did some land issues. All in all, just not fun.
So, I'll be closing soon. I can't tell you the EXACT date as my tier posts are not really on REAL time (in any sense of the word) but I suspect around and about 10 days which is close to Christmas for those of you that celebrate.
So -- Merry Christmas to you all. And if you want any Samara Studios fashions they are half price (sometimes a bit less) for clothes, shoes, shapes, skins and the popular photo studio. When I close I will be moving on in many senses of the word. A few things will still be at OnRez if my box survives the transfer to my new 512 (ocean view - yeah) lot.
The Home and Garden store will be closing too as well as Ivy Falls (no sale there so go to the main store). I am not marking down the home store items. Just too many and too much work.
I wish you all the best. It's been great. I was glad I was here in the last years. I look forward to the future. See ya around and about perhaps.
PS. The Peace On Earth ball is no longer hidden at ALL. It will be out as long as I am here so come get it now.