Saturday, March 29, 2008

Free Lag Free

So -- I was over at the Bewitched Hair Hunt today having a great time with the gals (all 100 of them and some guys too -- at least it seemed that way). We were moving through the muck slowly and falling into the ground as we can on the weekends at "Phil's Place". And we were hunting and yelling out finds and having a great time -- until we couldn't BUY!!!!! So much lag with so many people. And the "old-timers" (I have to assume it was them /us but didn't check) were trying to get some of the folks with hundreds of prims and scripts and such to get a bit more naked to no avail. I eventually left without getting all my finds and will return this eve.

MEANTIME the point of this story is that EVEN though another hunter and I had on only TWO textures (pants and a top for me), we could have had on EVEN LESS if our clothes were in with our skins! What an idea! I imagine someone else has already done this, but I haven't ever seen it mentioned. So, you can get my Lag Free outfit (a version of some Samara Studios classics) in Classic Casuals in the "specials" area in the middle.

Please remember that in a laggy environment, AOs (you need to DETACH them, not just turn off) and HAIR as well as obviously things like multi-prim jewelry and the like are killers. So if you really don't want to go bald, you can make up some hair in the appearance editor. I had forgotten all that and had a time getting my "bald base" to become hair. It was fun though and a walk down memory lane.

And if you want to wear the jeans as jeans and the skin as skin -- hey that's fine. I added some of my new hair from Bewitched and it makes a pretty snazzy outfit.

Have fun. Shop responsibly and ALMOST NAKED if needed. And guys you can wear this too if you aren't too put off by the makeup (wink).